Commenting on HUD Rules

    How do I submit comments to HUD on proposed rules?

    Electronic submission of public comments is preferred. HUD recognizes, however, that not everyone has easy Internet access, so electronic submission is not required. Accordingly, comments may also be mailed. Mailed comments must identify the title of the rule and include HUD’s Docket number assigned to the rule.

    HUD generally will post all comments received, without change, including any personal information provided, to the Federal eRulemaking Portal at Using the search function of the docket website, anyone can find and read the public comments received on HUD rules, including the name of the individual sending the comment (or signing the comment for an association, business, labor union, etc.).

    • Submitting comments electronically: Comments may be filed electronically using the Internet by accessing: provides clear instructions on how to submit a public comment on a rule.
    • Submitting comments by mail: Parties who choose to mail comments can send comments by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. Comments should be addressed to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW, Room 10276, Washington, DC 20410-0500. Submissions must refer to the docket number and title of the rule.

    How do I prepare effective comments?

    The following list is intended to provide helpful suggestions on how to make your comments more effective and more useful to us in crafting a well-reasoned decision that is likely to be upheld by the courts. Except for the requirement that the docket number and title of the rule be placed on any comments, the following suggestions are not mandatory requirements.

    • Ticket and Docket ID. You must identify the rule’s name and the docket number for the rulemaking document on which you are commenting so that HUD can place it in the correct file. The docket number is provided near the very top of the NPRM.
    • Typewritten documents. We prefer typewritten and word-processed documents; otherwise the reviewer may not be able read your handwriting. We do not require this, however, because we recognize that not everyone may have access to a typewriter or computer.
    • Electronic submissions. We prefer that comments be submitted electronically.
    • Agency questions. We want your comments on any part of the proposal on which you wish to comment. However, we often ask questions or raise issues in rulemaking proposals on subjects where we need more information. Please answer those questions if you have useful information on them.
    • Organized comments. It is helpful if you organize your comments by the specific headings or by specific sections in the NPRM. This will help the public and the agency review the comments more easily and effectively.
    • Clear explanation and support for views. You should explain your views and reasoning as clearly as possible; provide the basis for your assumptions; and provide supporting evidence or data, wherever possible, to support your views. By supporting your arguments, you are more likely to persuade us to accept them. If you do not, and we do not have separate data to support your submission, we cannot rely on it since we are required to provide the basis for our final decisions.
    • Alternatives. If you disagree with a proposed rule, you should provide specific alternatives to help us ensure that, if we agree with your concerns, we can effectively implement your suggestions. In addition, you should provide an analysis of how your alternative(s) would better serve the public interest than our proposal.
    • Examples of concerns. You should provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns. Real world examples or possibilities can help us better understand those concerns.
    • Statutory limitations. In preparing your comments, you should consider the requirements and limitations of the statutory authority under which HUD is making its proposal. You may be objecting to a proposal over which the agency has no discretion; the agency may be required to issue a final rule with that provision. You may also be proposing an alternative that the agency has no authority to implement.

    How do I get access to NPRMs, final rules, or comments filed by others?

    To read rulemaking documents or comments received, you may go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal at at any time and follow the online instructions for accessing the docket.

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