HUD has conducted comprehensive regulatory reform, in line with White House expectations, to ensure that faith-based and community organizations can compete on an equal footing with other groups competing for funds in competitive HUD programs or in the competitive components of state- and locally-administered block grant programs.
Links to the regulatory reforms instituted at HUD
Equal Treatment Regulations Web Cast (April 1, 2008)
General Rule
Program Specific
HUD's Final Rule extends Religious Liberty Protections to Beneficiaries of HUD Programs & Activities
White House Statement of Final Rule Extending New Religious Liberty Protections to Beneficiaries
Information is also available from the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which is presented at targeted conferences throughout the Nation.
Faith-based organizations that believe they are substantially burdened by the inability to hire along religious lines in certain HUD programs are invited to click here, and to contact the Center.
For additional guidance, please contact the Center or your local field office. You may also contact local block grant and Continuum of Care specialists at the following links:
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