Equal Employment Opportunity


    The Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity (ODEEO) is responsible for ensuring the enforcement of federal laws relating to the elimination of all forms of discrimination in the Department's employment practices and to ensure equal employment opportunity (EEO). ODEEO is responsible for leading the Department's efforts to proactively prevent unlawful discrimination. ODEEO also seeks to foster an agency culture in which disputes are resolved at the lowest possible level and before a formal complaint is filed. ODEEO will continue to offer training to the HUD workforce on the EEO process and the responsibilities of the workforce regarding Equal Employment Opportunity and serve as a resource to the program office leadership by providing direction, guidance, and monitoring of key activities to ensure the successful implementation of the principles of EEO throughout the Department.

    ODEEO is comprised of two (2) programmatic areas in carrying out the administration, management, and enforcement of its EEO, civil rights, and affirmative employment functions. Click here for more information about the respective functions and their responsibilities.