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Sustainable Communities Research Grant Program

Updates on HUD’s Sustainable Communities Research Grant Program (FR-5415-N-24)

Research Funding Opportunity:  HUD’s Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities (OSHC) has partnered with the Office of Policy Development and Research’s (PD&R) to provide additional funding for the Sustainable Communities Research Grant program.  A notice of public interest (NOPI) was published earlier this year to elicit research proposals on sustainable communities [Docket No. FR-5415-N-24]. $2.5 million in funding is available to sponsor cutting-edge research in affordable housing development and preservation; transportation-related issues; economic development and job creation; land use planning and urban design; green and sustainable energy practices; and a range of issues related to sustainability.  The new deadline to submit preliminary applications is Friday, March 4, 2011.  Information on applying is available in the Resources section below.  OSHC is also working to develop a separate Capacity Building notice of funding availability (NOFA) to support regional sustainable communities’ grantees, which will be announced later this spring.

FAQs:  PD&R has received a quite a few questions regarding the requirements for submitting the preliminary applications via grants.gov.  In response, a Frequently Asked Questions sheet (FAQs) will be posted on both PD&R’s and OSHC’s website.  We will also get this information posted on HUD’s general public website and grants.gov.