On December 19, 2024, HUD announced 17 awards totaling $225 million under the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Notice of Funding Opportunity. PRICE provides grant funding to communities to maintain, protect, and stabilize manufactured housing and manufactured housing communities (MHCs).
Of the $225 million awarded through the FY23/FY24 PRICE competition, $210 million is awarded through the main PRICE competition to support low- and moderate-income homeowners with manufactured housing units and manufactured housing communities with critical investments such as repairs, infrastructure improvements, upgrades to increase resilience, services like eviction prevention and housing counseling, and planning activities such as those needed to transition to resident-managed communities. $45.9 million of this funding is awarded to Tribal applicants. $15 million is awarded through the PRICE Replacement Pilot to assist in the redevelopment of manufactured housing communities as replacement housing that is affordable.
HUD received considerable interest in the PRICE funding. Applications were submitted from more than 175 communities – representing a wide variety of demographics, geographies and population sizes – across 44 States. Successful applicants demonstrated a commitment to supporting the long-term affordability and stability of manufactured housing.
Winners of the PRICE competition will support low-and-moderate income homeowners with manufactured units and manufactured housing communities with critical investments such as repairs, infrastructure improvements, upgrades to increase resilience, services like eviction prevention and housing counseling, and planning activities such as the those needed to transition to resident-managed communities.
PRICE Awardees Fact Sheet
HUD Region | Winner | Amount Awarded |
X | Burns Paiute Tribe | $5,992,170.57 |
X | City of Boise | $6,773,702.72 |
IX | City of Tucson | $11,519,567.21 |
IV | Commonwealth of Kentucky | $28,276,690.63 |
I, II | Cooperative Development Institute | $17,890,795.25 |
VI | Dance with Todd Inc | $8,329,974.95 |
VIII | Elevation Community Land Trust | $5,000,000.00 |
III | Greater Charlottesville Habitat for Humanity Inc | $29,151,778.41 |
IX | Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria | $5,000,000.00 |
V | Keweenaw Bay Indian Community | $7,155,231.40 |
V, VIII | Minnesota Housing Partnership | $20,284,998.88 |
X | Oregon Department of Housing & Community Services | $13,750,000.00 |
I | Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy Reservation Housing Authority | $5,000,000.00 |
V | Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa | $5,000,000.00 |
II, III, IV, VII, VIII, IX, X | ROC USA LLC | $38,125,875.00 |
IX | Tule River Economic Development Corporation | $14,920,944.98 |
IX | Yurok Indian Housing Authority | $2,828,270.00 |
Total | 17 Awards | $225,000,000.00 |
If you have further questions regarding the PRICE NOFO and Awards, please reach out to PRICE@hud.gov.
HUD has issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) which appropriates $235 million in competitive grant funding for the preservation and revitalization of manufactured housing and eligible manufactured housing communities. Congress has directed HUD to undertake a competition using the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) statutory and regulatory framework for this first-of-its-kind initiative. The Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement supports communities in their efforts to maintain, protect, and stabilize manufactured housing and manufactured housing communities (MHCs).
Manufactured housing is a critical piece of the nation’s affordable housing stock that provides a home to over 22 million Americans. Manufactured housing and manufactured housing communities (MHCs) face significant challenges to affordability, resilience, infrastructure, and maintenance that are exacerbated by state titling and local zoning laws, financial pressures from landowners or investors, and extreme weather, natural hazards, and disaster events.
Of the $235 million available in PRICE funding, $210 million is reserved for the main PRICE competition (PRICE Main), of which $11 million is intended for Tribal Applicants (with $1 million reserved for Tribal Applicants), and $25 million is reserved for a pilot program (PRICE Replacement Pilot) to assist in the redevelopment of manufactured housing communities as replacement housing that is affordable. The PRICE Main funding will support low- and moderate-income homeowners with manufactured housing units and manufactured housing communities with critical investments such as repairs, infrastructure improvements, upgrades to increase resilience, services like eviction prevention and housing counseling, and planning activities such as those needed to transition to resident-managed communities. The PRICE Replacement Pilot will enable the replacement of manufactured housing units, especially those in disrepair, with up to four units of affordable housing – gently increasing density and ensuring affordability for years to come.
HUD will be accepting applications for PRICE grants to preserve and revitalize manufactured housing and eligible manufactured housing communities. Eligible applicants include local and state governments, Indian Tribes or their Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs), multi-jurisdictional entities, resident-controlled MHCs, cooperatives, non-profit entities (including consortia of non-profit entities), Tribal non-profits, community development finance institutions (CDFIs), and Native CDFIs. Entities that partner with one or several residents of eligible manufactured housing communities or that propose to implement a grant program that would assist residents of eligible MHCs are also eligible.
NOTE: Before submitting to HUD, applicants must publish their PRICE application for public comment. The streamlined requirements mandate at least one public hearing/community meeting for the application and require providing a reasonable notice (at least 15 days) and opportunity for public comment and ongoing public access to information about the use of grant funds. The public comment period must end no less than three calendar days before application submittal to allow the applicant time to consider and incorporate public comments. For more information, please visit Section VI.E.5.a.iii of the NOFO.
Tribal Applicants may choose to follow the public participation requirements outlined in 24 CFR 1003.604 and must certify to HUD that the Tribal Applicant complied with the public participation requirements of 1003.604(a) prior to applying.
HUD issued a modification to the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) NOFO on May 17, 2024. The PRICE NOFO modification incorporates $10 million in funding from the FY24 PRICE appropriation (for a total of $235 million), provides clarifications, and makes technical corrections. The application deadline has been extended to July 10th, 2024.
For applicants in the areas of the Presidentially-declared disaster Texas Hurricane Beryl [DR-4798-TX], the PRICE application deadline are eligible to request an extension to Monday, July 15th, 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern Time / 8:59pm Pacific Time. These areas include the following Texas counties: Anderson, Angelina, Aransas, Austin, Bowie, Brazoria, Brazos, Burleson, Calhoun, Cameron, Camp, Cass, Chambers, Cherokee, Colorado, Dewitt, Fayette, Fort Bend, Freestone, Galveston, Goliad, Gregg, Grimes, Hardin, Harris, Harrison, Hidalgo, Houston, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Kenedy, Kleberg, Lavaca, Lee, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Marion, Matagorda, Milam, Montgomery, Morris, Nacogdoches, Newton, Nueces, Orange, Panola, Polk, Refugio, Robertson, Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, San Patricio, Shelby, Trinity, Tyler, Upshur, Victoria, Walker, Waller, Washington, Webb, Wharton, and Willacy. If you are unable to access the web and/or do not have power, you may mail a hard copy of the application to:
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Block Grant Assistance
451 7th Street S.W.
Suite 7282
Washington, D.C. 20410
HUD has issued a memorandum regarding the availability of a waiver for communities who experienced weather related emergencies and who submitted a complete application before 11:59:59 P.M. E.T. on July 11. For more information, please see PRICE Weather Emergency Memo. Applicants who wish to use this waiver must submit to PRICE@hud.gov in writing by November 18, 2024 at 5 P.M. E.D.T
- FY23/FY24 PRICE Main Quick Summary
- FY23/FY24 PRICE Tribal Quick Summary
- FY23/FY24 PRICE Replacement Pilot Quick Summary
The NOFO can be viewed here: FY23/FY24 PRICE NOFO. The modified PRICE NOFO materials can be found in "FR-6700-N-99-Revised Full Announcement - Revised Full Announcement.zip" under Related Documents.
Associated application materials can be found below. This funding was authorized under the authority of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law 117-328, approved December 29, 2022) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (Public Law 118-42, approved March 9, 2024) (Appropriations Acts).
The application deadline is July 10, 2024 at 11:59pm ET (8:59pm PT) on Grants.gov.
HUD strongly recommends you submit your applications at least 48 hours before the deadline and during regular business hours to allow enough time to correct errors or overcome other problems.
We recommend you review the Grants.gov Applicant landing page, as well as the Applicant FAQs and Explanation of Error Messages. If you have difficulty accessing the application and instructions or have technical problems, Grants.gov provides customer support information on its website at https://www.grants.gov/support. You may also contact Grants.gov customer support center by calling (800) 518-GRANTS (this is a toll-free number) or by sending an email to support@grants.gov.
The full application package must be downloaded through www.grants.gov. The CFDA number is 14.024. Interested applicants may submit questions on the NOFO to the following email address: PRICE@HUD.gov.
PRICE Related Materials:
- State Governments
- Local Governments
- Multijurisdictional Entities
- Metropolitan Planning Organizations
- Resident-controlled MHCs
- Cooperatives
- Non-profit entities (including consortia of non-profit entities)
- Indian Tribes or their Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs), Tribal non-profits, and Native CDFIs
- Entities that partner with one or several residents of eligible MHCs or that propose to implement a grant program that would assist residents of eligible MHCs
HUD is providing a series of webinars with a specific focus on the PRICE NOFO and application requirements. These one-hour webinars are designed for interested PRICE applicants.
- FY 23 PRICE NOFO Walkthrough March 6, 2024 3:00-4:00pm ET
- Click here to View webinar recording; or Read the transcript; or View the slides
- FY 23 PRICE NOFO CDBG 101 and Regulations Walkthrough March 13, 2024 3:00-4:00pm ET
- Click here to View webinar recording; or Read the transcript; or View the slides
- FY 23 PRICE NOFO Tribal Applicants Walkthrough March 20, 2024 3:00-4:00pm ET
- Click here to View webinar recording; or Read the transcript; or View the slides
- FY 23 PRICE NOFO Application Must-Haves Walkthrough and FAQs March 27, 2024 3:00-4:00pm ET
- Click here to View webinar recording; or Read the transcript; or View the slides
- FY 23 PRICE NOFO Environmental Review Considerations April 10, 2024 3:00-4:00pm ET
- Click here to View webinar recording; or Read the transcript; or View the slides
- FY 23 PRICE NOFO Civil Rights and Fair Housing April 18, 2024 3:00-4:00pm ET
- Click here to Read the transcript; or View the slides
- FY23 PRICE NOFO Uniform Relocation Act Requirements May 2, 2024 3:00-4:00pm ET
- Click here to View webinar recording; or Read the transcript; or View the slides
- FY23/FY24 PRICE NOFO Modifications and Public Participation Essentials
May 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:30pm ET- Click here to View webinar recording; or Read the transcript; or View the slides
- FY23/FY24 PRICE NOFO Frequently Asked Questions
June 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm ET- Click here to View webinar recording; or Read the transcript or View the slides
- FY23/FY24 PRICE NOFO Frequently Asked Questions – Tribal Applicants and Cross Cutting Requirements
June 12, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm ET- Click here to Read the transcript or View the slides
Forms listed in the NOFO:
- Certification of Lobbying Activities
- Grant Application Detailed Budget Worksheet (HUD 424-CBW), including instructions on Excel Tab 3
- Applicant and Recipient Assurances and Certifications (HUD 424B)
- Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report (HUD 2880)
- Application for Federal Assistance SF 424 (SF-424)
- Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF LLL)
- Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B)
- Assurances for Construction Programs (SF-424D)
- Optional template for Partner Letter
- Optional template for Partnership Agreement
- PRICE Certifications for Entitlement Local Government Applicants
- PRICE Certifications for State Applicants
- PRICE Certifications for Multi-Jurisdictional Entity Applicants
- PRICE Certifications for Community Development Financial Institution, Cooperative, Manufactured Housing Community, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Non-Entitlement Units of General Local Government, and Non-Profit Applicants
- PRICE Certifications for Tribal Applicants
- Optional PRICE Urgent Need Certification
- Lobbying Certification for All Applicants
Q: What does PRICE stand for?
A: Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement
Q: How much funding has Congress designated?
A: $235 million - $210 million for PRICE Main and $25 million for the PRICE Replacement Pilot
Q: When are applications due?
A: The Application due date will be July 10, 2024. All applications should be submitted no later than 11:59pm Eastern Time (8:59pm Pacific Time) on the stated deadline on grants.gov.
Q: Where can I find the modified PRICE NOFO?
A: The FY23/FY24 PRICE NOFO can be found at https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/352690 and the modified NOFO can be found in the “FR-6700-N-99-Revised Full Announcement - Revised Full Announcement.zip” folder under the “Related Documents” heading.
Q: I'm an individual. Am I able to apply?
A: No. This announcement does not fund individuals. Eligible applicants include local and state governments, multi-jurisdictional entities, resident-controlled MHCs, cooperatives, non-profit entities (including consortia of non-profit entities), CDFIs, and Indian Tribes or their Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs), Tribal non-profits, and Native CDFIs. Entities that partner with one or several residents of eligible MHCs or that propose to implement a grant program that would assist residents of eligible MHCs are also eligible to apply.
Q: Where do I submit my application?
A: The NOFO is published on Grants.gov and all applications must be submitted to grants.gov to be eligible for review.
Q: Are Tribal Applicants only considered for the $11 million in reserved funding or can they compete under the overall funding amount?
A: Tribal Applicants are not limited to the minimum $11 million in funding that is intended for Tribal Applicants. Tribal Applicants may qualify for additional funding under both the main PRICE competition and the PRICE Replacement Pilot to assist in the redevelopment of manufactured housing communities as replacement housing that is affordable.
Q: Is the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) eligible to receive assistance under the PRICE Competition NOFO?
A: Yes, there are three ways DHHL could be involved in a PRICE grant.
- Hawaii could apply as the State, then subgrant all or a portion of the PRICE grant funds to DHHL for DHHL to administer.
- DHHL could apply as the designated applicant for the State of Hawaii.
- DHHL could apply under the final eligible-applicant category identified in the NOFO: "entities that partner with one or several residents of such eligible [manufactured housing] communities or that propose to implement a grant program that would assist residents of such eligible communities." Please note that if Hawaii submits a separate application as the State, but both Hawaii and DHHL are awarded PRICE grants, Section III.D.4.a of the NOFO provides that "no community or project area may be assisted by more than one PRICE grant."
Content current as of December 19, 2024.
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