2024 HOPWA Institute

    The Office of HIV/AIDS Housing (OHH) will be hosting an in-person Institute for Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) funded grantees and project sponsors this year. The 2024 HOPWA Institute will be held October 21 – 23, 2024 in Washington, DC.

    Costs to attend the 2024 HOPWA Institute can be billed to HOPWA awards. HOPWA grantees should review their HOPWA budgets and reserve funds to attend this training. Grantees should ensure that funds are available to cover travel costs and staff time those in attendance. HUD expects three team members from each grantee and three staff from each project sponsor agency that receives over $250,000 per year to attend the 3-day event.

    The 2024 HOPWA Institute will be an opportunity to learn the most current HOPWA program information, as well as network with other HOPWA programs from across the country. Topics will include: best practices for HOPWA housing and services including strategies to revamp existing programs to meet current needs, advancing equity in HOPWA funded activities, updated guidance on HOPWA eligible activities, and administrative topics including financial management.


    • Links to the virtual sessions at the Institute have been sent to HOPWA grantees. Grantees have been instructed to share the links with their project sponsor agencies. Please reach out to your grantee if you have not yet received the link.
    • Registration for the in-person Institute was closed on August 21, 2024. There will be no on-site registration.

    Additional information

    Please do not make non-refundable flight and hotel reservations until your in-person registration is confirmed.

    Additional information about the 2024 HOPWA Institute is forthcoming and will be delivered via the HUD Exchange mailing list and posted to the HUD Exchange. Please contact HOPWA @hud.gov with any questions.


    Content current as of October 10, 2024.