HOME Proposed Rule Listening Sessions: Registration

    HUD will host three two-part virtual public listening sessions to allow interested persons an opportunity to learn about and provide comments on the HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Program Updates and Streamlining proposed rule. The Part 1 listening session will address community housing development organizations, maximum subsidy amounts, green building incentives, homebuyer housing and community land trusts. The Part 2 listening sessions will address rental housing, tenant-based rental assistance, and tenant protections.

    Part 1 Registration:
    1. Session 1:June 12, from 2pm to 3:30pm ET
      Registration no longer available.
    2. Session 2: June 17, from 2pm to 3:30 pm ET
      Registration no longer available.
    3. Session 3: June 25, from 2pm to 3:30 pm ET
      Registration no longer available.
    Part 2 Registration:
    1. Session 1: June 13, from 2pm to 3:30pm ET
      Registration no longer available.
    2. Session 2: June 18, from 2pm to 3:30pm ET
      Registration no longer available.
    3. Session 3: June 26, from 2pm to 3: 30pm ET
      Registration no longer available.


    Content current as August 21, 2024.