PPM V2.0 Governance

    HUD information technology projects and infrastructure services are governed by the Technical Review Sub-Committee (TRC). The TRC's mission is to ensure that necessary PPM artifacts are produced in alignment with project and segment goals, and that PPM policy is followed. The TRC provides its analysis to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Customer Care Committee (CCC) which makes recommendations to the Executive Investment Board (EIB) for final decisions on project initiation or continuation. 

    Submission of Artifacts
    Control Gate Review

    1. Submission of Artifacts

    a. Submission of PPM V2.0 Artifacts to the Technical Review Subcommittee (TRC) occurs at multiple points during the PPM V2.0 phases. Prior to submission of the artifacts, the IT Project Manager is accountable for obtaining signatures for each submitted artifact. The signature represents concurrence with the content within, prior to submission for the control gate review. Submission of artifacts occurs two weeks before the desired control gate review. The package of completed and signed PPM artifacts should be emailed to the TRC in preparation for control gate review at trc@hud.gov.

    Select the link below for more detail on the artifact signature process, including who should sign off on each artifact before it is submitted.

    PPM V2.0 Artifact Signature Process via esignature

    PPM V2.0 Artifact Signature Matrix

    2. Control Gate Review

    a. The TRC acts as a control gate in the Project Planning and Management (PPM) Life Cycle to ensure that necessary deliverables are appropriately produced for project continuation.

    The TRC holds meetings to conduct reviews of projects as needed. The TRC Secretary will notify both the project team and TRC members when a meeting has been setup.

    Select the link below for more detailed information on how to request a control gate review and how control gate reviews are conducted. After the control gate review, the TRC Chair will provide a signature approving the reviewed artifacts after any edits are performed as a result of the control gate review meeting. 

    TRC PPM V2.0 Artifact Control Gate Review Process Flow

    3. Authority

    a. The TRC is established under the authority of the Clinger-Cohen Act ( PL 104-106 at 40 USC, Chapter 25), and functions under the provisions of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, revised. Functional oversight of the TRC is provided by the CIO, and the chair of the TRC is the Chief Technology Officer. The TRC has the authority to establish additional working groups to support its roles and responsibilities. 

    4. Membership

    The TRC is composed of members representing key technical stakeholders within the OCIO. Membership of the TRC includes the following:

    Chief Technology Officer (TRC chair; votes in the event of tie)
    Chief Architect
    Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
    Chief Privacy Officer
    Director, Network Administrator
    Director, Enterprise Program Management Division (EPMD)
    Investment Review Sub-Committee (IRC) Chair (Non-Voting)