FY 2023 Section 811 Project Rental Assistance for Persons with Disabilities

    The Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2010 (Pub. L. No. 111-374) amended Section 811 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 8013) to give HUD authority to delegate award and oversight of Section 811 operating assistance to States which: 1) can fully fund the initial costs of the Section 811 units without a traditional Section 811 capital advance grant from HUD and, 2) demonstrate a strong collaboration with their Health and Human Service/Medicaid agency to comprehensively address the needs of persons with disabilities. The Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (811 PRA) program provides funding to state housing and other appropriate agencies for project-based rental operating assistance for extremely low-income persons with disabilities. The primary purpose of the Section 811 PRA Program is to identify, stimulate, and support innovative state-level strategies that will transform and increase housing for extremely low-income persons with disabilities, while also making available appropriate support and services. The 811 PRA program supports collaborations between State Housing and Health and Human Service/Medicaid Agencies that result in increased access to affordable supportive housing units – new and existing– with access to appropriate services. Many states have already developed partnerships to address this need, and HUD intends to further support these efforts as well as to incentivize additional states to develop similar collaborative efforts. This Section 811 PRA NOFO will allow HUD to identify and support successful and promising state models. This program provides states with the flexibility to award and administer these funds to address the shortage of affordable and integrated housing for persons with disabilities. Housing agencies may either directly administer the rental assistance contracts for eligible properties or contract with other qualified parties to administer them.

    The desired outcomes of the program include:

    • Facilitating and sustaining effective and successful partnerships between State Housing or other appropriate housing agencies and State Health and Human Service/Medicaid agencies to provide permanent housing with the availability of supportive services for extremely low-income persons with disabilities;
    • Integrating affordable housing with access to appropriate services for persons with disabilities;
    • Substantially increasing integrated affordable rental housing units for persons with disabilities within existing, new, or rehabilitated multifamily properties with a mix of incomes and disability status, in well-resourced neighborhoods of opportunity.

    Funding Opportunity Goal:  The primary purpose of the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Program is to identify, stimulate, and support innovative state-level strategies that will transform and increase housing for extremely low-income persons with disabilities, while also making available appropriate support and services.


    Program Office:  Office of Multifamily Housing

    Funding Opportunity Title: Section 811 Project Rental Assistance for Persons with Disabilities

    Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6700-N-53

    Assistance Listing Number:14.326

    Updated Due Date for Applications: 02.20.2024

    Program NOFO



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    Contact information:  HUD staff will be available to provide clarification on the content of this NOFO.  Questions regarding specific program requirements for this NOFO should be directed to 811PRANOFO@HUD.GOV.  Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who have speech and other communication disabilities may use a relay service to reach the agency contact. To learn more about how to make an accessible telephone call, visit the webpage for the Federal Communications Commission. Note that HUD staff cannot assist applicants in preparing their applications.