The Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) program provides technical assistance (TA) to units of general local government (UGLGs) serving communities with a population of 50,000 or less experiencing economic hardship. This includes UGLGs experiencing distress and/or persistent poverty, and in some instances their nonprofit partner organizations. This NOFO refers to these UGLGs and their nonprofit partners as TA recipients.
Changes from previous NOFO
This NOFO was previously titled HUD's FY 2022 and FY 2023 Distressed Cities (DCTA) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity. Changes have been made throughout the NOFO, including in the program objectives, focus areas, eligible activities, definitions, and rating factors sections. Specific changes include implementing Category A and Category B applicant types and eliminating the leveraged funding requirement.
Available Funds
Funding of approximately $4,675,000 is available through this NOFO.
Additional funds may become available for award. Use of these funds is subject to statutory constraints. All awards are subject to the selection process contained in this NOFO.
Subject to appropriations, HUD reserves the right to award fiscal year (FY) 2025 funds based on this competition. Accordingly, this NOFO invites competitive applications for two funding years: FY 2024 and FY 2025. This means that a single application may request funding from one or both funding years. Eligible applicants will submit a single SF-424 but must clearly identify the amount requested for each funding year in its application summary.
Program Office: Policy Development and Research
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6900-N-54
Assistance Listing Number: 14.259
Due Date for Applications: 03/10/2025