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eLOCCS - Financial Institution Establishment and Direct Deposit Sign-Up (SF-1199A) Form Completion


STEP 1: Financial Institution Selection

Each Business Partner must identify an official financial institution bank account to serve as the designated account for the receipt and deposit of grant funds requested from the U.S. Treasury. The account may be a separate bank account or a subsidiary account within the Business Partner’s general fund (or other fund).

The financial institution must be capable of receiving Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) payments. This bank account must be in the Business Partner’s name and allow the Business Partner to issue checks to all payees. Checks drawn against this bank account will allow the Grant Account recipient/Business Partner to maintain a record of each payment received.

STEP 2: SF-1199A Direct Deposit Sign-up Form Completion

Instructions for completing the SF-1199A Direct Deposit Sign-up Form:


Section 1 - To be completed by the Business Partners

Block A Print or type the name and address of the Business Partner (organization) and the telephone number of the person completing the form.
Block B

Leave Blank.

Block C Print or type the Grant Number, which is on the letter regarding your grant award. Print or type the Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the organization below the project number.
Block D

Mark with an "X" the type of account, Checking or Savings, into which your Grant funds will be directly deposited.

Block E Print or type the account number into which your Grant funds will be deposited. If your financial institution does not use account numbers, the depositor's name or other identification may be entered. Dashes are acceptable as part of the number, but spaces are not acceptable. The depositor's account number must be formatted exactly as it appears in the financial institution's records.
Block F Check "other" and enter the name of the Program.
Block G

Leave Blank

Payee/Joint Payee Certification The Certification should be signed by the Chief Executive Officer or the designated representative of the organization completing the form. If additional signature lines are required, use a plain sheet of paper and attach it to the form. Be sure to place your name and grant number on the additional sheet. All signatures must be original. Forms containing duplicated copies of signatures will not be processed and will result in delays.


Section 2 - Print or type the following name and address in this section

Government Agency Name:

U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Government Agency Address:
451 7th St SW,
Washington, DC 20410


Section 3 - To be completed by your Financial Institution

Your Financial Institution should:

  1. Enter the name and address of the financial institution, the Routing Number, and Check Digit.
  2. Enter the name of the organization to receive the funds in the "Depositor Account Title" block.
  3. Certify by having the financial institution's representative sign and date the form. The telephone number, including the area code, must also be provided so that HUD can verify information.


STEP 3: SF-1199A Direct Deposit Sign-up Form and Blank Check Submission

Once the form is completed by you and your Financial Institution, the SF-1199A form AND a blank check marked ‘CANCELED’ or ‘VOID’ should be sent to the HUD representative for their review to ensure the validity of the request.  Once the HUD representative reviews and finds the request to be valid, they will email the complete banking request to FWAC-SF1199a@hud.gov email box for processing.   A request directly from the grantee will not be accepted.  

  • For Business Partners that use electronic banking, the CFO Accounting Operations Center in Ft. Worth will also accept either a voided deposit slip or a letter from the Business Partners’ bank, on bank letterhead, as substitutes for voided checks.
  • Failure to include the required documentation will delay the receipt of funds. Any change in the ABA Transit Routing Number or the account number will require submission of a new signed and dated SF-1199A form.