Main Content 2005 Housing Notices Previous years: 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 Document Number Title 05-21 Income calculation and verification guidance regarding the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan - Part D Program -- (Tip Sheet) 05-20 Disaster Recovery Guidance by Multifamily Housing After a Presidentially-Declared Disaster 05-19 Guidelines for Continuation of Interest Reduction Payments after Refinancing: "Decoupling," Under Section 236(e)(2) and Refinancing of Insured Section 236 Projects into Non-Insured Section 236(b) Projects 05-18 Fiscal Year 2005 Policy for Capital Advance Authority Assignments, Instructions and Program Requirements for the Section 202 and Section 811 Capital Advance Programs, Application Processing and Selection Instructions, and Processing Schedule 05-16 Fiscal Year 2005 Annual Operating Cost Standards - Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Programs -- (Attachment) 05-15 Extension of Notice H 04-13, Guidelines for Calculating and Retaining Section 236 Excess Income 05-13 Purchase Money Mortgages (PMMs) - Processing, Underwriting, Closing, Servicing and Subordination 05-09 Revitalization Area Evaluation Criteria - Single Family Property Disposition 05-08 Revised Retirement Accounts for Front-Line Staff 05-06 Reinstatement and Extension of Notice 97-31, Lead-Based Paint: Notification of Purchasers and Tenants in HUD-Insured, HUD-Held and HUD-subsidized Housing 05-05 Reinstatement and Extension of Notice 96-19, Telecommunications Service Contracts between Telecommunications Service Providers and Project Owners 05-04 Reinstatement and Extention of Notice 97-49, Backing-Out Trustee Sweep Savings Before Calculating Annual Adjustment Factors for Projects which Originally Received a Financial Adjustment Factor and whose Bonds were Refunded 05-03 Guidance on Asset Management Issues Concerning Bond Financed Section 8 Projects 05-02 Extension of Notice H 03-07, Deployment of Military Personnel to Active Duty 05-01 Fiscal Year 2005 Interest Rate for Section 202 and Section 811 Capital Advance Projects Log in to post comments