Section 8 Loan Management Set-Aside Program for Projects (4350.2)
Transmittal | |
Chapter 1: Overview | |
Chapter 2: Program Application and Approval Process | |
Chapter 3: Contract Administration | |
Chapter 4: Contract Close Out | |
Appendix 1: Application for Loan Management Set Aside | |
Appendix 2: Housing Assistance Payments Contract | |
Appendix 3: Budget Worksheet Income and Expense Projections | |
Appendix 4: Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan | |
Appendix 5: Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans | |
Appendix 6: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities | |
Appendix 7: Sample letter to the CEO of Local Government | |
Appendix 8: Instructions for Completing Management Reviews | |
Appendix 9: Physical Inspection Report | |
Appendix 10: Annual Contributions Contract List | |
Appendix 11: Rent Schedule Low Rent Housing | |
Appendix 12: Assisted Housing Project Accounting Data | |
Appendix 13: Monthly Unit Inspection | |
Appendix 14: Sample Certification of Owner Completion | |
Appendix 15: Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contracts | |
Appendix 16: Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form | |
Appendix 17: Instructions for Modified Pad Form HUD-52540 | |
Appendix 18: Application/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report |
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