This NOFA provides information and instructions for a second round of funding for mold remediation and prevention under what had been identified as Category Two grants in the fiscal year (FY) 2014 ICDBG Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). It announces the availability of approximately $12,400,000 for mold remediation and prevention in and on housing units owned or operated by tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) or previously assisted with HUD funding. This Notice is comprised of both the General Section (General Section) to HUD's FY2015 NOFAs for Discretionary Programs posted on and this program section to the NOFA. HUD's ICDBG program is authorized by Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and the ICDBG program regulations at 24 CFR Part 1003. In addition to the application requirements set forth in this document, applicants must also comply with applicable requirements established in the General Section.
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-5900-N-02
Opportunity Title: Indian Community Development Block Grant Mold Remediation and Prevention
Competition ID: ICDBG 02
CFDA No.: 14.862
OMB Approval Numbers: 2577-0191 expires 04/30/2018
Deadline Date: June 24, 2015 (deadline extended two days)
CONTACT INFORMATION: Roberta Youmans, Grants Management Specialist (202) 402-3316. General Questions. You should direct general program questions to the Area ONAP serving your area. A contact list for each Area ONAP can be accessed here. Technical Assistance. Before the application deadline date, HUD staff will be available to provide you with general guidance and technical assistance about the requirements in the General Section and this NOFA. However, HUD staff is not permitted to assist in preparing your application. Following selection of applicants, but before awards 50 of 51 are made, HUD staff is available to assist in clarifying or confirming information that is a prerequisite to the offer of an award.
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