The General Section describes the requirements that are applicable to all HUD FY 2015 Program NOFAs. The General Section also provides information on HUD's priorities and strategic goals. Each Program NOFA will describe additional applicable procedures and requirements, including a description of the eligible applicants, eligible activities, threshold requirements, cross-program requirements such as nondiscrimination, environmental protection, and any additional program requirements or limitations. To adequately address all of the application requirements for any program, please carefully read and respond to both this General Section and any applicable Program NOFA.
General Section to HUD's Fiscal Year 2015 Notice[s] of Funding Availability (NOFAs) for Discretionary Programs
- General Section
- Funding Opportunity Number: FR-5900-N-01
- Opportunity Title: General Section to HUD's Fiscal Year 2015 Notice[s] of Funding Availability (NOFAs)
- Competition ID: GS-01
- CFDA No.: All of HUD programs will start with 14.___
- OMB Approval Numbers: 2535-0018 exp. 11/31/2016, 2535-0113 exp. 01/31/2015 and 2501-0017 exp. 01/31/2016 (HUD Standard Forms)
- Posting Date: October 16, 2014
Contact: For further information on HUD's FY2015 Policy Requirements and General Section, contact the Office of Strategic Planning and Management, Grants Management Division, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW, Room 3156, Washington, DC 20410-3000, telephone number (202) 708-0667. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FY 2015 General Section contains multiple material changes from prior years. To increase your chance of success, please be sure to read this announcement fully and carefully. To help applicants with electronic application registration and submission, HUD advises applicants to use the help features on the Dun and Bradstreet (D&B), System for Award Management, and websites. These sites all have User Guides and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) which are updated on an ongoing basis. HUD believes that early publication of this General Section is beneficial to prospective applicants by providing advance notice of the Department's Strategic Plan Goals, Policy Priorities, NOFA threshold requirements and other requirements that are applicable to individual FY2015 program NOFAs.
Individuals looking for assistance:
HUD does not provide grants and/or loans directly to individuals - the funding is made available to state and local governments; public housing agencies (PHAs); nonprofit organizations including colleges and universities; Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs); graduate students; public housing resident organizations; owners of federally assisted low-income housing; and for-profit professional and technical services companies, however we do have a website, which provides resource information that may be of assistance to you. Individuals may visit This site allows you to complete a questionnaire; all of the questions must be answered in order to obtain an initial list of benefit results and to move on to the next sections of the Benefit Finder. Providing any additional information will further increase the accuracy of the individuals result. The website is user friendly; once the questionnaire is complete the site directs the individual to click the "View Benefit Results" tab to see a listing of programs that they may be eligible to receive.
For individuals wanting to report fraud, visit the Office of Inspector General website or call 1-800-347-3735.
For individuals seeking information on submitting a FOIA request, the FOIA website provides various links and instructions for submitting a request.
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