
HUD Latino Network is a network of HUD employees promoting interaction among the members, as well as the career and professional development of Hispanic and Latino employees at HUD.  Latino Network helps to represent the concerns of Latino/Hispanic employees in such initiatives as the HUD Diversity Council and also coordinates HUD's Heritage Month celebrations each September 15 - October 15.


HUD Latino Network’s main objective is to promote career and professional development, education and appreciation between and among Latino/Hispanic and other groups within the Department.


All HUD Employees are welcome! To join the Latino Network, send an email to and you will be added to the mailing list and TEAMS channel. Via email we provide career and professional development information, and updates about events we are planning. The TEAMS channel includes a calendar of our events as well as an opportunity for informational networking and resource sharing.

Connect with us on TEAMS

Join us on Teams for ongoing discussions, view recorded events, and connect with HUD Latino Network members.

Contact HUD Latino Network 

HUD Latino Network regularly sends out email newsletters with such information as upcoming events, initiatives, and opportunities to get involved. Any HUD employee can join this mailing list; please contact
