Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Affordable Housing Development Toolkit
The Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (The Partnership Center) in the Office of the Secretary, serves to ensure that Faith-Based and Community Organizations (FBCOs), which form the bedrock of our society, have strong advocates within Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the White House and Partnership Offices throughout the Federal Government. The White House Partnership Office promotes partnerships with religious and secular neighborhood organizations to work with leaders of all faiths and backgrounds who are on the front lines of their communities, to help uplift, heal, and rebuild neighborhoods in crises. The principal functions of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships are to:
- Assist in organizing more effective efforts to serve people in need across the country and around the world, in partnership with faith-based and secular organizations.
- Develop, lead, and coordinate the Administration’s policy agenda affecting faith-based and other community programs and initiatives and to optimize the role of such efforts in communities.
www.hud.gov/program_offices/healthy_homes - Ensure that policy decisions and programs throughout the Federal Government are consistent with the policy set forth in the Executive Order with respect to faith-based and other community initiatives.
https://www.huduser.gov/portal/ota/community-compass.html - Bring concerns, ideas, and policy options to leaders for assisting, strengthening, and replicating best practices and partnerships, with faith-based and other community organizations.
https://www.huduser.gov/portal/ota/community-compass.html - Promote awareness among leaders of opportunities to partner - both financially and otherwise - with the Federal Government to serve people in need and to build institutional capacity.
The objective of United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (HUD Partnership Center) is to serve as a liaison between HUD program offices, grassroots neighborhoods, and other community non-profit organizations, to provide the latest information about HUD regulations, requirements, and programs as well as state, local and other government programs available to communities.
The HUD Partnership Center also serves as a resource center for Faith-Based and Community Organizations (FBCOs) seeking to partner with HUD to address the housing and community development needs of low and moderate-income communities.
The HUD Partnership Center convenes outside partners, practitioners, and organizations from neighborhood non-profits and faith communities with policymakers, public-private partners, and government officials to identify and meet the needs of some of the nation’s most vulnerable citizens more effectively. This assistance is designed to support, build, and strengthen their capacity by serving as a clearinghouse for information and requests about potential competitive funding opportunities for FBCOs within HUD and other federal agencies.
The HUD Exchange gives updates on new resources, HUD policies, training opportunities and more.
For more information, contact CFBNP at partnerships@hud.gov.
HUD Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
451 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20410
Email: Partnerships@hud.gov
Website: www.hud.gov/program_offices/faith_based
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