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    Native Advantage: New User Registration

    The first and most critical step required is for ONAP to grant access to the Claims Module for all eligible users. The below Native Advantage Claims Module User Access Request Form must be completed and emailed to for Claims Moduel Access. ONAP OLG will be creating Claims Module user accounts on a rolling basis.  When your account is created, you will receive an e-mail from with your username and the link to the Native Advantage Login Page. You will be prompted to establish a password and after successful registration you may begin actively using the Claims Module on the Native Advantage platform.


    About Native Advantage

    Native Advantage is a secure modern platform that provides a single point of access for the Section 184 and Section 184A Loan Guarantee Program participants.  This new platform provides a foundation to support ONAP’s will fulfill its mission to increase access to safe and affordable housing for Native American communities.