Doing Business with HUD
    Organization 800 Number Information Available
    HUD Support Service Center (800) 697-6967 Provides information pertaining to distributive shares and mortgage premium refunds.
    Rental Rehabilitation Program  (800) 827-3360 Provides technical assistance to HOME grantees and states, cities, and counties only.
    Resident Initiatives Clearinghouse (800) 955-2232 Provides information pertaining to HOPE 1 and 2 programs, training and funding for resident initiatives.
    FHA Loan Information Line
    (Call your regional Homeownership Center)
    (800) CALL FHA

    (800) CALL FHA

    (800) CALL FHA

    Santa Ana
    (800) CALL FHA
    Provides information and/or technical assistance to lending institutions who service FHA loans.
    Fair Housing Best Practices Task Force (800) 800-5029 Provides information to the public on fair lending best practices lending agreements. It also provides information to lenders interested in signing best practices agreements with HUD.
    LOCCS Security Office (877) 705-7504  

    Please note that the TDD/TTY number for all of the above clearinghouses is: 1-800-483-2209