Buying a Home and Home Improvements

    Note: Deaf and Speech impaired individuals can call via the Federal Relay Services at (800) 877-8339 (8 AM - 8 PM EST.)

    Organization (800) Number Information Available
    FHA Resource Center (800) 225-5342 Brochure HUD Homeownership Centers
    Housing Counseling Line (800) 569-4287 Referral to local counseling agency.
        (Same as above)
    Fair Housing Information Clearinghouse (800) 767-7468 Disseminates information and materials about Federal fair housing laws and HUD fair housing programs and initiatives. Serves private fair housing organizations, the housing and lending industry, State and local fair housing organizations, HUD staff, and individual housing consumers. Provides technical assistance on accessibility questions. In English and Spanish.
        (Same as above)
    TDD (877) 833-2483 (Same as above), for the hearing-impaired (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf line)
    Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse (800) 685-8470 Assists local residents, resident councils, Non-Profit Organizations, PHAs and regional HUD Offices on issues such as resident rights and programs for the elderly and disabled and distributes application packets for these programs.
    Title I - Lender Servicing (800) 669-5152 The Insurance Operations Division of the Financial Operations Center provides Title I lender callers with information or assistance regarding Loan Registration, Insurance Premiums, and Reserve Accounts via Premiums Help Desk (Extension 2832) or Claim Processing and Manufactured Home Loan Insurance Endorsement Processing via the Endorsement and Claims Help Desk (Extension 2836).
    Title I Note Servicing - Asset Recovery (800) 669-5152 The Asset Recovery Division of the Financial Operations Center provides callers with information about Title I Property Improvement or Manufactured Home Loans transferred to HUD for collection, including inquiries for payoffs, lien releases, and income tax refund and other administrative offsets.
    Generic FHA Debt Management (800) 669-5152 The Financial Operations Center provides callers with information about generic consumer and commercial FHA debts transferred to the Center for collection.
    Title I - Program (800) 733-4663 HUD's Customer Service center - OAMS Contractor.
    Manufactured Housing Program (800) 927-2891 Manufactured Housing Headquarters staff responds to complaints from homeowners concerning the construction standards of manufactured (mobile) homes.
    Housing Discrimination Hotline (800) 669-9777 Housing discrimination based on your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status, or disability is illegal by federal law. If you have been trying to buy or rent a home or apartment and you believe your rights have been violated, you can file a fair housing complaint.
    Loss Mitigation (877) 622-8525 Single Family staff in Oklahoma City provide info.
    HUD Refunds Support Service Center (800) 697-6967 Distributive Shares Contractor
    Housing Counseling Clearing House (800) 569-4287 Information for counseling participants
    Secretary Held Notes (800) 594-9057 Single Family staff in Tulsa provide info.