Delegations of Authority
- Order of Succession (The Secretary's Order of Succession is set by Executive Order 13243 (December 18, 2001) as amended by Executive Order 13261 (March 19, 2002) and by a March 19, 2002 White House Memorandum.
Deputy Secretary
Office of Administration
- Delegation of Authority to the Assistant Secretary for Administration
- Redelegation of Authority to the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration
- Delegation of Authority to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration
- Delegation of Authority to the Chief Administrative Officer
- Order of Succession
Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Human Capital Officer
Chief Information Officer
Chief Procurement Office
Community Planning and Development
Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations
Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
- Amended Consolidated Delegation of Authority for the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
- Order of Succession for the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
- Redelegation of Administrative Authority for Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Redelegation of Administrative Authority for Title I, Section 109 of Community Development Act of 1974
- Redelegation of Authority Under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975
- Redelegation of Authority for the Civil Rights Related Program Requirements of HUD programs
- Redelegation of Fair Housing Assistance Program Authority
- Redelegation of Authority Under Section 561 of the Housing and Community Development Act for 1987
- Redelegation of Authority under Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
- Redelegation of Administrative Authority Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Redelegation of Fair Housing Complaint Processing Authority
Field Policy and Management
- Delegation of Authority
- Redelegation of Authority for the Office of Field Policy and Management
- Order of Succession for the Office of Field Policy and Management
- Order of Succession for Region 1
- Order of Succession for Region 2
- Order of Succession for Region 3
- Order of Succession for Region 4
- Order of Succession for Region 5
- Order of Succession for Region 6
- Order of Succession for Region 7
- Order of Succession for Region 8
- Order of Succession for Region 9
- Order of Succession for Region 10
General Counsel
Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA)
Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes
- Delegations of Authority
- Redelegation to HUD Officials
- Redelegation to Office of Manufactured Housing
- Redelegation to Office of Healthcare
- Redelegation to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing
- Redelegation to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Risk Management and Regulatory Affairs
- Redelegation to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing
- Redelegation to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Finance and Budget
- Redelegation to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing Counseling
- Order of Succession
Policy Development and Research
Public Affairs
Public and Indian Housing
Strategic Planning and Management
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