The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program provides a significant opportunity for Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), Continuums of Care (CoCs), and Victim Service Providers (VSPs) to develop collaborative partnerships and strategies that effectively address the needs of vulnerable populations in their communities. Through EHV, HUD provided 70,000 housing choice vouchers to local PHAs in order to assist individuals and families who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness, fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, or were recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability.
Need Homelessness Assistance
Contact a person in your local community who assist people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
What’s New in EHV
- Limited Leasing Authority: Very few PHAs have remaining leasing authority for EHVs. It is the PHA’s responsibility to maintain compliance with the prohibition on reissuing turnover EHVs after 9/30/23 (See PIH Notice 2023-14). If you need a hand understanding your program data, please contact EHVresearch@hud.gov. PHAs that fail to comply with the prohibition on reissuing turnover EHVs after 9/30/23 will be required to repay any disallowed costs.
- Updated EHV Dashboard: Several changes to the EHV Dashboard are now live, including a count of only active issuances that are 180 days old or less and a column showing whether the PHA is accepting EHV referrals. PHAs should verify their own data on the EHV Dashboard, including the column for whether the PHA is accepting referrals, and contact EHVResearch@hud.gov with any updates.
- (New) Landlord Testimonials on working with the Emergency Housing Voucher Program

Humans of HUD
With his counselor’s assistance at My Sister’s Place, Erick was able to secure housing through Hartford’s Emergency Housing Voucher program. Today, he proudly refers to his new home as his very own “penthouse”
EHV News From HUD
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