This page contains information about progress of the recovery from Hurricane Sandy, including implementation of the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy, as well as the status of the Sandy Supplemental. The Sandy Program Management Office is responsible for collecting and compiling this information. For more information on the background of the PMO, please see below, About the Sandy Program Management Office (PMO).
Rebuilding Strategy Implementation
In August 2013, the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force published its Rebuilding Strategy, which contained 69 recommendations across seven broad policy areas to enhance recovery, rebuilding, and resilience in the Sandy-affected region as well as across the nation. Since the publication of the Rebuilding Strategy, more than 300 staff across 23 federal agencies and Executive Offices have worked to implement the recommendations, to help communities recover, enhance resilience to future storms, and fulfill the Task Force commitments to the President and the region.
The PMO has published an implementation update on each of the 69 recommendations, which is available for download below . This report’s publication date of October 29, 2014, marks the second anniversary of the storm, and just over one year since the Task Force sunset. At the time of publication- just 14 months after the Rebuilding Strategy was published - 50 (72%) of the 69 recommendations have been completed.
Download the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy Progress Report Fall - 2014.
Sandy Supplemental Tracking
The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, or Sandy Supplemental bill, provided more than $49 billion to 19 federal agencies to help communities rebuild after Sandy. Since the law’s passage, the PMO has worked across the19 agencies to track the progress of their funds and how they are assisting families and small businesses on the ground. More detailed descriptions of the federal programs funded through the Sandy Supplemental can be accessed on the Federal Partners page.
Current Status of Funds
To enhance transparency for the public on the status of the Sandy Supplemental, in July 2013, the PMO began to publish downloadable data files each month. Since February 2014, in partnership with the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (RATB), the PMO has made even more detailed information available on the RATB's existing website, This collaboration provides a more visually accessible and granular view of the data, displaying aggregated funding totals by state via an interactive map, text, and machine-readable tables for download. These data will continue to be updated monthly and previous month's data files will remain available for download on the Archived Data Page, which can also be found here.
About the Sandy Program Management Office (PMO)
HUD Secretary, Shaun Donovan, established the Hurricane Sandy Task Force PMO in February 2013 to monitor the funding under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013. The PMO has served as a central source for information on Hurricane Sandy funding by collecting and posting data from all 19 agencies. The PMO has partnered with the RATB to improve transparency of the supplemental funding by providing regular data to the public in the form of maps and downloadable files. Please see section Sandy Supplemental Tracking , for more information.
While the Task Force completed their mission on time and under budget on September 30, 2013, the PMO function has successfully continued through the Sandy PMO within HUD, jointly staffed by FEMA and HUD. The Sandy PMO continued and expanded upon the role of the Task Force PMO by growing its monitoring system beyond the supplemental funding to include implementation tracking for the 69 recommendations of the Rebuilding Strategy. In November 2014, the Sandy PMO and its remaining responsibilities will transfer from HUD to FEMA’s Office of Federal Disaster Coordination.
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