FY24 FSS Funding Notices
The FSS Funding Notices establish ongoing application and program administration rules related to HUD’s FSS Program funding, in place of previous funding Notice of Funding Opportunities/Availability (NOFO/NOFAs).
The General Funding Notice should be read together with each year’s Annual Funding Notice for the full guidance to FSS applicants and awardees.
Notices | Issued/Expires | Subject/Purpose |
Family Self-Sufficiency Grant Program General Funding Requirements and Procedures - PIH 2024-32 | Issued: September 24, 2024 Expires: This notice remains in effect until amended, superseded, or rescinded. |
This Notice establishes ongoing application and program administration rules (in accordance with 2 CFR § 984.107: FSS award funds formula) related to HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program funding, in place of previous funding Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs). The purpose of this document is to communicate the general application criteria and processes, which will be further detailed in Annual Funding Notices. This Notice should be read together with each year’s Annual Funding Notice for the full guidance to FSS applicants and awardees. |
FY2024 Family Self-Sufficiency Grant Program Annual Funding Notification and Application Process - PIH 2024-33 | Issued: September 24, 2024 Expires: June 30, 2025, or until amended, superseded, or rescinded. |
This Notice provides guidance to public housing agencies (PHAs) and Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) owners seeking Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) grant funding. This Notice contains the specific application criteria and funding process for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 FSS competition. This Notice should be read together with Notice PIH 2024-32, Family Self-Sufficiency Grant Program Requirements and Application Procedures – General, which establishes general application and program administration rules related to the FSS program. Funding for this program is authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (Public Law 118-42), approved March 9, 2024. Application and process criteria for subsequent years may be published in future Annual Notices. |
Key Dates
Key Steps:
PLEASE NOTE: These three steps can take some time (up to two weeks or more) and MUST be completed BEFORE you can apply for FSS funding. Please ensure you complete these steps ASAP so that your funding is not delayed:
- IMPORTANT: Ensure your UEI (Unique Entity Identifier) is still active in SAM.gov. It is valid for one year and must be renewed annually to stay active. You cannot apply for funding and we cannot issue you an award if your UEI is inactive.
- IMPORTANT: Ensure that your organization has an active Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) in GrantSolutions. If you do not already have an AOR, do not know who your AOR is, or if they are no longer part of your organization, you can submit a Grantee User Account Request form to GrantSolutions, copying FSS@HUD.gov, so that we can assign your organization an AOR.
- IMPORTANT: Please review the HUD Funding Notices (both the General and Annual Notices), as well as the FSS Funding Table, to ensure that you understand the process for confirming your grant funding for next year.
- Are you interested in being funded for FSS coordinator salary, fringe, or training costs? NOTE: These are the ONLY eligible costs under the FSS grant!
- Are you a PHA or Multifamily PBRA Owner? NOTE: These are the ONLY eligible applicants!
- Are you registered with SAM.gov? If not, make sure to register your organization just ONCE with SAM.gov before proceeding to step 4.
- Do you have an active UEI? If not, reactivate your UEI on SAM.gov before proceeding to step 5.
- Can you apply for funding on behalf of your organization? NOTE: You MUST be authorized by your organization to apply!
- Do you have an active GrantSolutions account? NOTE: Please do NOT go to Grants.gov! Check directly with GrantSolutions. If not, please submit a Recipient User Account Request Form (including your UEI) to the GrantSolutions Help Desk at help@grantsolutions.gov to set up your individual GrantSolutions account before proceeding to step 7.
- Are you designated as an AOR for your organization? NOTE: Your organization may have many AORs who can access grant applications. If you're not currently designated as the AOR and you should be, please email a Recipient User Account Request Form to the GrantSolutions Help Desk at help@grantsolutions.gov to be assigned as an AOR for your organization.
- Is your FSS program currently funded by HUD, or has it been in either of the prior two years? If not, you are a NEW applicant. Please complete the following steps:
- Be sure that you have the capacity to run an FSS program. You can learn more by reviewing HUD's FSS Website resources to see what it takes to run an FSS Program.
- Log into GrantSolutions. Click 'Funding Opportunities' and search / CTRL-F for 'FSS'. Find 'Renewal Applicants' and click 'Apply'.
- Submit SF-424, HUD-2880, and SF-LLL if applicable.
- Submit HUD-52651 if you are a Joint Applicant, New Applicant, or applying for Expansion Positions.
- Submit a Funding Modification request if required.
- Submit by the Priority Deadline to be considered for Expansion Positions.
- Respond to any requests from FSS@HUD.gov in a timely manner.
- You're Done! Sign up for the FSS Mailing List to be notified when awards are announced on HUD.gov. You will use GrantSolutions to accept any award.
Application Instructions
- Renewal Applicants
- Funding Notice Renewal Application Instructions for GrantSolutions
- How to Apply via Directed Announcement (AORs must check their email for the link to apply):
Quick Sheet: Apply for a Directed Announcement (grantsolutions.gov) - Check your FSS program's renewal eligibility, positions, and funding: FY24 FSS Funding Table
- FSS Funding Application Instructions
- Unfunded PHA FSS Participation Numbers
- FSS Funding Notice FAQs
Weekly FSS Funding Notice Office Hours
Date | Funding Notice Office Hours Topic | Time | Registration Link | Webinar Recording |
Tuesday, October 01, 2024 | FSS Funding Notice Question Sessions | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time | https://events.intellor.com?do=register&t=7&p=509913 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATRfCmkVIxM |
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 | FSS Funding Notice Question Sessions | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time | https://events.intellor.com/?do=register&t=7&p=509915 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DNNBsjeLlY |
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 | FSS Funding Notice Question Sessions | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time | https://events.intellor.com/?do=register&t=7&p=509917 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSEynw9V5gM |
Thursday, October 24, 2024 | FSS Funding Notice Question Sessions | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Time | https://events.intellor.com/?do=register&t=7&p=509919 | |
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 | FSS Funding Notice Question Sessions | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time | https://events.intellor.com/?do=register&t=7&p=509923 |
Note: Sessions will be recorded and posted on this webpage
Need Help?
- Contact FSS@HUD.gov
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