AGILE Artifacts


    The matrix below depicts the Agile artifacts and provides a description of each artifact. Please note that projects that are a part of the Agile Project Type have different phases than the traditional Predictive Focused PPM model. For more information and guidance on Agile, please refer to the Agile Project Type Guide. Artifacts are templates in which to document the work performed by the project team as it proceeds through the Agile PPM Life Cycle and conducts the tasks and activities necessary to deliver an IT system or service.


    For your convenience, the artifacts are provided in PDF and either Word, Excel or MS Project formats depending on the artifact.

    Should you require additional guidance completing the artifacts or if you have any suggestions on how we can improve any of the artifacts, kindly email your inquiry or feedback to


    Artifact Template
    Template Location
    Program Validation Phase
    Project Initiation Form (PIF)DOC | PDF
    Project Tailoring Agreement (PTA) (tailored for Agile)Agile Process Tailoring Agreement v1.0
    Security/Privacy Initial Assessment (PPM V2.0)IT Security Policy
    Initial Privacy Assessment is designed to assess whether a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) or System of Records Notice (SORN) is required.
    Service Layered Architecture Profile (SLAP)SLAP Template v1.0  |  SLAP LRS Example
    The Project Service Layered Architecture Profile (SLAP) is developed by the EA Team and documents specific design constraints and design recommendations for each project. The SLAP is intended to be included in the acquisition package (if applicable). 
    Program /Project Oversight Plan (POP)Project Oversight Plan v1.0
    PVR Briefing DeckPVR Briefing Deck Template v1.0
    Release Planning Phase
    Capabilities and ConstraintsCapabilities and Constraints v1.0
    Team Process AgreementTeam Process Agreement Template v1.0
    Risk LogXLSX
    Critical Task ScheduleGuidance for the Critical Task Schedule v1.0
    Product / Release BacklogUse Backlog tool JIRA
    Security / Privacy ArtifactsIT Security Policy
    IPA, PIA, SORN if applicable
    Test and Evaluation Master PlanTest and Evaluation Master Plan v1.0
    Release Planning Review DeckRPR Briefing Deck Template
    Release Readiness Phase
    Architecture and System Design DocumentArchitecture and System Design Document v1.0
    Training PlanDOC | PDF
    O&M ManualDOC | PDF
    Data Conversion PlanDOC | PDF
    User ManualDOC | PDF
    Security / Privacy ArtifactsIT Security Policy
    IPA, PIA, SORN if applicable
    Deployment PackageDOC | PDF
    Test Execution & ResultsDOC | PDF
    Release PlanDOC | PDF
    Release Addendum (to POP)DOC | PDF
    Release RetrospectiveDOC | PDF
    Release Readiness Review Briefing DeckPDF